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E-mail marketing: the less fancy and most efficient tool for generating conversions.

At the end of the 2000 decade, when Facebook was gaining popularity and social media was the next better thing under the sun, a lot of people announced that email was dead.

But nowadays, email still is one of the most valuable assets that a business can have.

Email marketing is a very efficient tool for sales generation, keeping contact with consumers, and nurturing potential consumers. Creating a good database of clients and leads is a job that all business has to do.

Email marketing is not difficult, but it is not fancy. That is one reason that the marketing specialists don’t take seriously the real value of this channel.

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3 pillars of email marketing

All email marketing actions have 3 main elements:

  • A subscribers database.
  • A emails content 
  • An email marketing tool

A subscriber database

You need an audience to get your messages across. In email marketing, the audience is a database with emails of your subscribers: the people who will receive your email messages.

You must start creating your database of clients or potential clients right now.

How to create a database?

The first thing you have to do is think about privacy. Nobody likes receiving emails they didn’t request. So, you need to develop 2 things: 

  • An opt-in form.

It´s a form that users fill in with their data (email, name, etc) and express that they want to receive your emails.

  • A privacy policy.

It´s a document that describes how you collect and use the personal data of users give you. 

The content is the King.

The other essential element in email marketing is what we are going to tell our subscribers.

It´s necessary to create a content plan, design email templates, and define send scheduling.

The design of emails has to be simple because email programs have a lot of limitations. If the design is complex (too heavy images, animations, etc.) email programs and receivers wouldn´t read them. Here the rule is KISS (Keep It Simple and Short)

You can add links to images, videos or more text in emails to expand the information.

Remember: KISS

An email marketing tool

There are various tools for email marketing: Mailchimp, Brevo, ConstantContact, etc. All these tools can help you to:

  • Create opt-in forms
  • Manage a database.
  • Create emails templates
  • Send emails safely and prevent you from becoming a spammer
  • Measure the results of the campaigns you sent.


Email marketing has to be one of the most important channels in your digital marketing plan. It is not the most sophisticated medium but the time you invest in it is worth it.

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